


分配阀 Distribution ValveS阀管,镶嵌硬质合金材料的眼镜板、切割环、使用寿命超过30000方,S阀管可自动补偿磨损间隙,密封性能好,适宜于高层及长距离泵送。 s valve cylinders are made of glass-like plate and cutting ring embedded with rigid alloy,whose service life is over 30000 cubic meters.S valve cvlinders can automatically compensate the wearing clearance and be sealed perfectly.It is suitable for transferring in higher height or in longer distance.
主泵,阀组 main oil pump valve group原装泵组。使用寿命长、故障率低、系统发热量小,主油泵有恒功率控制功能,可负荷不超载,大程度利用发动机功率,同时具有压力切断功能。 Oriqinal bump group is characterized in long service life,high controlling precision,low failure rate,and low system heat value.The main oil pump valve group has the function of constant power controling,which can make sure no overload and use the engine power in largest extent.And also has the function of cutting-off under relevant pressure.The bump group comprises products from Italian Atos and American Sunny.
电器系统 Electric System*采用可编程控制器,控制无误,降低了电气系统故障率。 *采用"一体化电源"能提供稳定的电气控制电源,保护电气系统的每个电气元件. *电气元件采用"欧姆龙、三菱、施耐德"等原装件,出现故障。 *配电箱采用无线遥控器,便于操作减少人工,具有良好操控特性。 *The imported PLC controllers can make sure control accurately and reliably,as well as largely reduce the failure rate of electric system. *The integrated power is used to provide stable electrical control power supply,and to validly protect every electrical element of the electrical system. *Electric elements are imported parts from Omron,Mitsubishi,and Schneider,which seldom failed. *Distribution box can be controlled by wireless remote controller,so that unnecessary manual work can be reduced and the operation features is the best.
液压系统 Hydraulic System*双泵开式油路,为砼泵经典的液压油路设计.因为各工作系统由单独的油泵驱动,可增加液压系统寿命,节约能源,减少系统发热情况。 *具备溢流、压力切断双重保护, *管接头采用锥面密封,液压油管采用"玛努利 "管路系统的稳定性。 *主油缸高、低压切换采用转阀设计,不用拆卸胶管,减少液压油二次污染.又非常方便。 *油箱内壁通过酸洗磷化后防锈不易生锈避免造成油液污染。 *one open loop respectively equipped on double pumps is a classic designed hydraulic circuit for the double pumps.Because each work system can be supported by separated oil pump.the service life of each hydraulic system can be validly increased,energy can be saved,and fever ot tne system can be mitigated. "Be featured with double protection of overflow and shut-off under pressure to increase the reliability. *Pipe Jjoints are sealed by conical surface according to the international standard.The hydraulic pipes are the pipes from Manuli to ensure the reliability of the pipe system. *The main oil pipe is with the rotary valve which can switch between high pressure and low pressure.The design can avoid dismounting the rubber pipe and reduce the secondary pollution by the hydraulic oil.The operation can be done very conveniently and rapidly. *Inner wall of the oil box can be anti-rusted to avoid oil pollution after pickling and phosphating.


参数名称  Name of parameter单位HBT8013-90SHBT8013-110SHBT8013-145SHBT8013-176S
输送量Maximum transferring volumeM3/h80/4580/4588/5495/60
泵送出口压力 Maximum pumping pressure of outputMpa13/716/713/716/7
理论垂直输送距离Maximum vertical transferring distancem270350270350
理论水平输送距离 Maximum horizontal transferring distancem1200160012001600
分配阀形式 Type of distribution valve-S阀管 S valve
混凝土缸规格:缸径*行径Concretecylinder size:inner diameterxstrokemm200x1650200x1650200x1650200x1650
料斗容积 Hopper volumeL800
上料高度Feeding heightmm1400
发动机型号 Engine type-Y2-280M-4Y2-315S-4道依茨176 Deutz176道依茨145 Deutz145
额定电压 Nominal voltageV38024
额定转速Rated speedr/min14802400
无线遥控Wireless remote control-选配 Choose whether or not equipped with
液压形式Hydraulic form
开式回路 Open loop
泵送系统油压 Oil pressure of pumping systemMpa32
液压油箱容积 Volume of the hydraulic oil cylinderL500
允浒骨科颗粒直径Maximum allowed diameter of rigid grainmm卵石50mm*碎石40mm grait50mm*Macadam40mm
混聚土输送管内径Inner diameter of concrete cylindermm125/150
整车质量 Total weightkg6000650066006700




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